How “DENTICATED” (dedicated to your dental health) are you really? The word may be made up, but the concept is worth talking about! The real question is, do you make DENTAL HEALTH a priority for you and your family? Go grab a pen and let’s see how you fair!

ABSOLUTELY NOTI try but am not always perfectTOTALLY DENTICATED
Do you see your dentist 2x year for your oral health/cancer screenings and dental exams?
Do you brush twice and floss once daily?
Do you keep soft drinks, sweet tea, coffee with sugar and power drinks off your grocery list and out of your diet?
Do you encourage your spouse to schedule his/her dental visits?
Do you schedule and bring your children to their hygiene & dental appts?
Do you ask them if they have brushed well or flossed lately?
Do you avoid tobacco/vape products that can cause oral diseases and encourage those around you to do the same?
Do you take care of the dental problems that you know exist in your mouth?

Does it look like you might be slacking? Is it fair to say that you can probably improve in how “DENTICATED” you are? The fact is that your mental, physical and dental health are all equally important! Despite how busy we may be, how much anxiety we may have about visiting a dentist, or how much of a sweet tooth we may have, nothing should be more important than taking care of ourselves and our loved ones.

Sometimes we may have to offer a little support for our family members. Other times we may need to give a little gentle “push”. We might need to encourage our spouses to make his or her dental health a priority. We may need to remind them to take care of that broken tooth before it becomes a bigger, more expensive, more dangerous or painful problem. Figuring out how and when to get your children to the dental office is never an easy task between their school schedules and activities, but the truth is that they CAN miss those things. We should also embrace it when a loved one reminds us to do the same! We tend to get lost taking care of everyone but ourselves!

Changing your mindset to make your family’s and your own oral health a priority DOES TAKE “DENTICATION” …. but its worth it!